Kristina-J Escort in Huddersfield Blog Posts

Sometimes things happen outside my control - this week was one of them..

Well what a railroad of a week I feel like I have been on a roller coaster.

I had an incident in London on Sunday evening with resulted in me pulling of my much looked forward to tour and I can but only apologise for this and sure you that the incidents and chain of events were outside my control.

I have this thing about giving 150% and in order to do this I have to be 170%, if I am not then I can not give what you deserve and that is my very best. It is for this reason that I pulled off my tour as I really do believe in giving it my all all the time.

Sometimes in order to put you first I have to put me first and as a sex worker we are constantly at the cutting edge of sexuality and meeting the needs of others, all good sex workers are guilty of putting the needs of others before oneself. It kind of comes with the territory to be constantly in the lime light and expected to 'available', 24 hours a day 365 days a year can be challenging especially when we are also dealing with our own 'shit', too. I have become very used to and attuned to this and mange it exceptionally well but this week I have needed and benefited from all my own attention on myself as some me time.

I had an unexpected crisis of something totally outside of my control where I was no longer able to do this and have taken some time to recover fully so on Monday when I get back to Huddersfield I have full confidence in myself that I will be back to my normal high energy, bouncy, sexy self as me, myself and the fabulous I. So it will be back to normal and I am very much looking forward to it and putting this whole incident well and truly behind me.

I am also leading a workshop next weekend and need to make sure I am in the right emotional, physical and mental state to lead 23 participants through conscious sexuality and exploring themselves and others consciously, and then hold space for anything that comes up within the workshop in terms of sexuality and emotional releases. I am very much looking forward to taking on this challenge and will share my experience of this. I feel very privileged to be in a position where I have the opportunity to make a difference and teach consenting adults about consent, boundaries, communication, sexual and emotional alchemy and bring in some wonderful rituals around sexuality and self belief.

So it is 3 deep breaths, one step forward and followed by one giant leap forward and it is always a privilege to let me guide you into the Narnia of Wonderland and beyond.

Kisses Kristina Yorkshire Escort xxx