
Creation of dynamic property Low_yearly_archives::$version is deprecated

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Blog posts written in 09-2020

Blog Archives for 09-2020

Horsey Horsey

Hi guys hope you are all well and enjoying your sexual adventures whatever they may be!! I don’t know if many of you go horse riding and get turned on by a lady in Jodhpurs and black boots with or without a whip in hand, always willing to dress up for…

Feeling Frisky

Frisky meaning possessing a sexual feeling  He was feeling frisky, so he touched her. When a girl is openly really horny and clearly is trying to get you to take your clothes off. Her: I want to do some crazy ass things to you. You: Damn, your one…

Body language

What is sexually suggestive body language? These inviting gestures include stoking one's own arm, leg, or face, parting of lips, stroking of objects such as a drinks glass. These gestures imply sexual readiness. Displaying is also very suggestive. Attractive…

A Hotbed of Debauchery

Georgian England was a hotbed of prostitution and promiscuity where tens of thousands of women and girls – some as young as 12 – worked as prostitutes, and London was the epicentre. ... “In Georgian London the consensus is that 50,000 prostitute…