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Blog posts written in 10-2020

Blog Archives for 10-2020

Happy Haunting

Hi my Halloween lovelies.  Ghoulies  and  Ghosties Witches and Weirdos all welcome at Halloween Not sure about the pumpkins never tried one.  Get my leg over that broom stick and I am away join me for some of the special Tricks or…

Halloween Dunkers

Hi Guys lets do it lets have a little dunking/bobbing or a lot depending on your mood!!   Yes its that time again HALLOWEEN hope its a good one after all that has happened this year we all need a good Dunking or just a bit of bobbing I am game for…

Simply Sexy

Hi Guys hope all is well with you randy ravers, I am still here for you and always love seeing you.   As winter draws in it is winter drawers on or off depending on the temperature.  I had this thought in my head no not while giving head! …

Feedback from a client on sexual shadow integration work

​Hello lovelies You know its funny there I was last night thinking about how to present some sexual shadow integration work I have being doing and looking at a few different people I am currently working with to bring the rejected sexual desires into…

Strumpet and Crumpet

They loved each other beyond belief she was a Strumpet he was a thief.. Another word for a prostitute. Not to be confused with a musical instrument or snack that is served with tea its tea and crumpets not tea and strumpets (it could be both) You play…

Cruising with Kristina-J

Cruise ships are part of the hospitality business which is the business of pleasure. YES. It's a vacation. People paid money for it. They're gonna do it... often. And loudly. As long as you don't break any headboards you should be alright as far as noise.…