Desire and Obsession by Kristina-J Huddersfield Escort

Desire and Obsession

Desire is a wish for something you would like to have in your life. You might just imagine having it appear. You might also take steps to try making it appear. You don't fret when it does not appear. Obsession means you feel you MUST have something at all costs. You might set aside concern for your own wellbeing in order to obtain it.

Desire looks at something. Obsession takes it.

Desire is when you really want something. Obsession is when you really can’t stop thinking about the thing you desire. A want or craving; a large, desperate feeling or need. Under no circumstances should one fuse desire and expectation,

as that leads to hope, which prolongs suffering.

An almost insane desire, longing, or burning lust for someone or something. You feel like without that thing or person, you are not complete and can't cope, or- in extreme circumstances- live, unless you have the object you desire.

Getting back with my ex-boyfriend has become such an obsession for me that I lose sleep trying to think of ways to lure him back into my arms.

Obsession To love in a fanatical way. To lack the ability to leave a person alone

She's an obsession, the one obsession, I need to stalk her at work, I need to stalk her in jobs. An 'animal' that never quits the hunt In 'love' terms, Obsession is when you are trying to control someone that you think you are in love with. You get them or try to get them, to do what you want them to do. If you break up with them you get all angry and want to destroy their lives and hurt them (inside). This is true obsession. Thinking about someone loads is NOT Obsession.

Now obsession is different obsession is a desire that has taken control of a person for whatever reason. Thought of said desire will intrude your mind.Loss of focus and sleep. Substance abuse is a very common obsession,gambling ,sex, money, power. An obsession is very dangerous. An obsession does not care about-consequences

Your obsession will become your master,although between you two you will always think you are in charge. In the end the joke is only on you. If its a person that ypur beginning to have these thoughts about and they are not reciprocated or you have shared your interest in this person and they have shot you down. Accept reality ,cut off any behavior that triggers these thoughts. You know it makes sense.

The desire for the man is for the woman but the desire for the woman is the desire of the man.

Kristina K Desirably yours xxx