Easter Bonk Holiday by Kristina-J Huddersfield Escort

Easter Bonk Holiday

Bonking isn’t really the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the Easter Bunny Unless it is, in which case, we’re not sure we can help you.

Moving on.

For generations, parents have been hiding chocolate eggs in pot plants and around the back garden, telling their children the treats are gifts from the magical Easter Bunny. Easter being a Christian holiday symbolising the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, one could assume a ye olden time Easter Bunny might’ve come from biblical beginnings. However, it would appear the opposite is true. So how did the Easter Bunny become such a huge symbol of the Christian celebration?

Short answer: sex. Or, more politely put, procreation.

To find out exactly why we’ll be stuffing our faces with sweet, delicious chocolate rabbits this Easter, we traced back the Easter Bunny's heritage to 13th-century, pre-Christian Germany, when people worshiped a goddess called The Teutonic deity Eostra. She was the goddess of spring and fertility, and her symbol was the rabbit because of the animal's high reproduction rate.

The only icky part about the Easter Bunny being a bit of a sex fiend is, well, that Hugh Hefner thought they same thing about rabbits.  The late Playboy founder chose bunny ears as his Playboy logo, calling the women featured in his magazine Playboy Bunnies because "a girl resembles a bunny".

The rabbit is a fresh animal, shy, vivacious, jumping – sexy. First it smells you, then it escapes, then it comes back and you feel like caressing it, playing with it. A girl resembles a bunny he joked. Try not to think of that as you eat your Easter Bunny chocolate.  A friend of mine was a bunny girl she loved it but they were not allowed to fraternise with the customers out of work they certainly did. 

Kristina J:  Happy Easter to every bunny Hop over to my place for some Easter fun xxx