Escorts and Clients who have vanished by Kristina-J Huddersfield Escort

Escorts and Clients who have vanished

A few years ago I had to disappear of the Escort scene for a few months partly due to an ex giving me a few isssues that I did not want any of my regular Clients getting pulled into and secondly as I was moving from Bristol to Huddersfield

It was a tough decision for me to just pull the plug and disappear of the scene, take my website off line, my ex took care of my AW profile - (very kindly) Not!, turn off my phone and basically just disappear as fast as I arrived. Since coming back and having the pleasure of been reunited with my regular Clients from Bristol I do hear the concern when certain Gentleman whom had visited me for so long saw that I had 'disappeared' and they had been looking for me. I guess it is difficult when your regular lady disappears with no explanation. I know from experience that if a lady just disappears she has her own reasons and sometimes as was very certain in my case - she may be putting her Clients first.

Now no ones wants to over react and send out a search party and if your lady has chosen to disappear of the face of the earth there really is not much you can do about it - acceptance is the best policy. Some ladies may announce they are giving up escorting and that is easy to deal with as there is a farewell but when she disappears the best thing you can do is remember the good times you shared together and hope all is well. If your lady has any Escorting friends that you know of maybe send them a message stating your concern or drop the lady an email or text she may be still picking up her mails, apart from that there is nothing to do apart from respect the ladies privacy and maybe one day she will return. Or like me when I vanished off the face of the Escorting world it was for everyones good then all you can do is hope that one day she will return and you will hear from her again..

For me I always knew I would return to Escorting and I also knew it would not be too long - I just had to move my self across the country deal with a couple of 'headaches' in my private life and I knew I would be back on track.. I got myself into a position where I had a circle of friends and family around me and some raw determination that I would not be held back by anyone. I could only come back though once I was 100% sure it was safe to do so as I value so much the safety of my visitors and this is very important to me as a professional Escort.

I have since been on a road to discovery and accomplishing the things that I could not do previously - making new friends and my progression into domination especially in my private life was something that would not have been accepted in my previous life let alone supported and encouraged - there is a lesson there, sometimes if there is something in your life that you do not like then take the rocky road for a little bit, take a chance and change it. It may be uncomfortable for a while. Trust me I have been called all sorts of names and told some terrible things as well as threatened to a point where I was fearful to change things and started to believe the bullshit that I was been told - till one day something inside just flipped and I set about my rocky road to where I knew I was capable of being. So to the two emotional bullies who tried their best to destroy me - I came back more confident. more in control and more determined than ever with a network of support around me on a road to happiness and satisfaction..

So what happens when a regular Client disappears...

I have over the years said goodbye to many regular Client and never heard from them again. Again i find this very difficult when I have built a relationship with someone and they just disappear - I worry that something may have happened to them or something may be wrong.

I have had guys disappear who have been regular visitors to return years later - a number of whom have had health problems. I would never contact a Client as much as I would think about them and i do think about my Clients often during my days. Sometimes something will trigger a certain thought about somebody or I remember something about our time together or a conversation we had. I keep all my thank you cards and have these stood on my sideboard in my Apartment so again these will trigger a thought for someone. However under no circumstances do i ever contact anyone unless I am contacted first - it is not in the nature of maintaining discretion. I do like to receive texts and emails from my regular guys sometimes just to say hello and keep in touch, when we haven't been able to see each other for a while but I understand that not everyone embraces that but those who do it is appreciated..

The nature of the Escort Client relationship which needs to be kept discreet and secret does make it difficult when either party just disappears but we would not be decent humans if there was no concern. I guess when entering an Escort, Client relationship it is part of the un written rule that the relationship will end at some point without any contact with the other party.

Discretion is high on the list that sometimes we as a Client and as an Escort have to accept the fact that we may never know what happened to the other party...

Kisses Kristina Yorkshire Escort xx