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Sensual delights

Sensual delights by Kristina-J Huddersfield Escort

Sensual delights

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality…..

All good scenarios begin with imagination, allowing your imagination to run wild and be creative. Let me open up your imagination with some though provoking ideas as you take the plunge and jump down the rabbit hole.

With a pandoras box of erotic delights it can be fun to discover what tickles your fancy, so peek the lid open and see what delights you find inside. Are you missing the loving touch of a sensual girlfriend I know I am deeply missing touch and connecting in this lockdown, craving the sense of another naked body next to me. Just the simple things like kissing and caressing and the fun of flirting and seducing you. The gentle touch and a listening ear along side some raunchy fun oh my I simply cannot wait to get back in my stockings and heels.

Maybe you have always had a secret interest in kink and have some fantasies you wish to explore. Maybe the time in lock down has given you the opportunity to think about some kinky play you want to dive into as one thing I have learnt form this lock down is that its no point wishing I had done something. I need to take the opportunities when they are there to really live and experience the things I want to. With the imagination creating the gateway to the adventures its a great time to think of the kinky play that you may want to experience when we are all free of lockdown again.

Whatever it is you want to experience I can not wait to welcome you to my erotic and ever so sexy world where you are encouraged to leave your troubles at the door and you can relax, unwind and play. Welcomed as if you were an old friend and what I love about my work is as I get to know someone its like I am meeting my boyfriend when we have a date. Our time flows easily and it is always great to spend a few hours in your company laughing, chatting and having some very naughty fun as we get intimate with each other and let our imaginations become to pathway to our desires.

I am simply counting the days until the fun can resume and I can go back to doing what I love doing the most and we can indulge in some sensual delights together…

Kisses Kristina J - Huddersfield Escort