
Creation of dynamic property Low_yearly_archives::$version is deprecated

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Domination Blog posts written in 06-2024

Domination Blog Archives for 06-2024

Pucker up

Kissing like it or Loathe it What can I say about kissing I know ladies who love to kiss you all over but not on the lips BUT I know ladies who love to kiss you from top to toe and all the in between places you love. Have you ever wondered why we kiss?…

Red Lights

There is a song with the words red lights mean danger but sometimes they mean pleasure and fun. Some of my lady friends took a trip to Amsterdam this is what they discovered . Ooo!.Ooo! We know! At least, what they claim in a brief study of prostitution…

Lustful, Lecherous or Perverted

HI you wonderful sexy companions of mine are you Lustful or lecherous you can be one or the other or both, the choice is yours. Someone that desires something so badly that they will do anything to acquire this desire of theirs A lecherous man is someone…