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Domination Blog posts written in 01-2025

Domination Blog Archives for 01-2025

Venus in Furs

The novel draws themes, like female dominance and and sodomasochisim , and character inspiration heavily from Sacher-Masoch's own life. Wanda von Dunajew, the novel's central female character, was modelled after Fanny Pistor, who was an emerging literary…

Just Plain Dirty or is it kinky

love fun and believe it or not I can have fun and when I say fun I mean all kinds of fun. dirty kinky erotic exotic bring it on. There will always be some humour in our actions even only perceived by me. My one aim in life is to please you! As a companion…

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Hi guys, slaves male and female . I thought I might bore you with a little insight to a day in my life. A day in the life of a dominatrix can be both complex and intriguing, blending professional discipline with personal creativity. Here's a glimpse into…

Rotten Behaviour 2025

Hope you all had a Happy New Year I know I did but it would not have happened without my naughty boys who needed to be punished for the rotten behaviours they displayed. Thank you for the gifts and in particular a rather nice box of Masks the kind we…