Kristina J Huddersfield Escort here is a list of the extensive training I have building an erotic portfolio of skills, knowledge to back it up and experience


I just love to learn to develop my skills and to continue my own journey through sexuality, kink, tantra, the erotic arts and BDSM.

In doing so I can offer a range of experiences that make me unique but also adding intensity, depth, energy and whole new outlook my offerings. I will continue my own training to keep bringing you fabulous experiencers with a lady who just loves to play…......


Sexological Body work and somatic sex educator

Certificate in Sexological Bodywork

(please note I am not practicing sexological bodywork I am using the principals and knowledge from the course to enhance your experience)

Boundaries and Consent

Like a Pro - Betty Martin

Tantric Masssage

Urban Tantra Intensive course for Professionals within the sex industry - Conscious sexuality, Conscious BDSM and Tantra - June 2017 facilitated by Barbara Carrellas

A member of the Urban Tantra Community

International Tantric Massage Therapist Training - Intense 2 week training course - March 2017 - Facilitated by Somananda

Advanced International Tantric Massage Therapist Training - Intense 2 week training course - Facilitated by Somananda

Tantric full body Energy orgasm and Tantric De-amouring, Fuel for living - Facilitated by Andrew Barnes

Honouring Shiva - Male Tantric Massage -Facilitated by Tantra Massage Training

Tantric Awakening - Tantric bodywork - Facilitated by Tantra Massage Training

Honouring Shakti - Female Tantric Massage - Facilitated by Tantra Massage Training

Divine Devotion - Tantric Rituals - Tantra Massage Training

Intensive Tantric Massage Training - Heaven on Earth Tantra Massage Training

Sex Magic Weekend - Berlin - Sacred Sexuality and Mystical Arts


Sundoor Certified Breathwork Practitioner

Full certified Breathwork Facilitator by one of the worlds leading breathwork modalities 

Kahuna Massage a deeper form of Lomi Lomi - Hawain Temple Massage

Kahuna Massage Level 1 - 3 - High Spirits Institute - Brisbane, Australia


The Purple Door - Conscious BDSM - Facilitator - Sacred Pleasures

Exploring Power and Surrender - Sacred Pleasures

Together - A personal journey and exploring conscious sexuality - Facilitator - Sacred Pleasures

Getting Conscious with Kink - Facilitated by the School of Erotic Mysteries

Shibari Level 1 - Anatomie Studio London

Authentic Relating 

Authentic Relating Level 1&2 


Certificate in Evidance based Hypnotherapy (Base course for Erotic Hypnosis)

Sexual Shadow Integration Work 

Sexual Shadow Integration - Shaktishiva Academy 

Various other Trainings

I have a whole load of other trainings connected to motivation, self empowerment, bodywork, meditation and focusing


Kahuna Massage Level 4 - 5 - High Spirits Retreat Brisbane 2024

Kahuna Massage Level 6 - 7 High Spirits Retreat - Brisbane - September 2025

Facilitation and Leadership Training - High Spirits Retreat - Brisbane - 2025

Authentic relating Level 3 September 2023

Shibari Level 2 - Anatomie Studio London

Shibari Level 3 - Anatomie Studio London