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Domination Blog posts written in 10-2015

Domination Blog Archives for 10-2015

To Be or not to Be lesbians in the 1760’s

The Nun, by Denis Diderot is the only novel of the eighteenth century that deals with lesbianism in a serious manner. It was written in the 1760's, yet was not published until 1796. The novel especially aroused controversy within religious circles which…

Gang Bang anyone?

My wife and I are very open-minded about sex and have no problem involving other people in our sexual adventures,my wife has a very sexy friend who we have both enjoyed sex with who also goes to sex parties and suggested that we went with her sometime…

Bound And Blindfolded – An Erotic Story

He sat in the unforgiving, iron-backed, armless chair, and felt his other senses swell with purpose. The silk of the blindfold made him more aware of the strength of the restraints around his wrists, tied behind the back of the chair. Suddenly, the warmth…

Fun with Carol

Carol took another long drink of wine and then laid down on the bed taking a big breath and letting it out, she closed her eyes and relaxed. I put on some soft yoga style music on the iPad, and I positioned her in the centre of the bed, and I had her…

Depraved Sexual Fetishes That Are Older Than You Think

Bizarre sexual fetishes are a staple of the human psyche most everyone has them, and with the arrival of Internet porn, all the walls came crumbling down. Suddenly, everyone everywhere could share their sick, nasty fantasies with the entire world, safe…