Hi Guys ready for this weeks onslaught AROUSAL it may not sound exciting but it will be An erogenous zone is ‘part of the body that excites sexual feelings when touched or stimulated. Three types exist you may know them if not you will soon find out,…
Short and sweet or could be sour. I am away soon for a week or two (don’t miss me too much) check out my website for dates. See you on my return. Summer time I feel so good lets do some Summer Sipping meaning you drink what I give you, I will leave…
I feel Mean why thats my job but I feel really mean today so if you want a good old thrashing or some hot chilli peppers up your anus it will make my day pleasure is in the pain oh the pain. Benign masochism is something that those who engage in BDSM…
Following on from last weeks fetish facts, this week some cultural and historical curiosities.. Cleopatra was an innovator of the vibrator and was said to pleasure herself with the vibrations created from a box full of angry bees We may think of a love…
Trawling the internet in between disciplining my slaves I came up with some 'titbits' I THOUGHT i would share over a couple of posts, so here we go part one.. Oh the image is the hellfire caves haunt of the Marquis de Sade. It was the French psychologist…