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Domination Blog posts written in 02-2019

Domination Blog Archives for 02-2019

Coitus A Chevalier

You are going to love this one Originally the French word for horse it is now American slang for a woman whom one dislikes or considers to be malicious or unpleasant does this sound like me I hope so. There are several types of Sex Drama using Coitus…

A Special Valentines Wish

Hi Slaves it is that special Day again Valentines, a whole year has passed and have we got some naughty memories stored, no roses for us unless you want to be scratched with the thorns. I know some of you would love it but for those who do not I will…


Slaves hope you are all twitching in anticipation of our meetings this week I have lots of things in store for you all orgasmic. My slaves often want to be blindfolded and they love it but some do not want it at all. Why blindfolding? Blindfolding or…

Mozarts Behind Closed Doors

Hi Slaves straying a bit from my usual utterances but i thought this was interesting and a bit humorous enjoy When Mozart wasn't writing one of his 600 masterpieces he was writing letters to his female cousin, the contents of which were usually in a basic…