Hi Slaves Serfs etc hope you are not behaving because I enjoy punishing you for your wayward behaviour. Make it worth your while!!! What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone wrongs you? Throw them off a cliff! This has been a simple solution…
Hi Slaves hope you are well, anyone for a goos old spanking, ok perhaps later. From prehistoric times. Judicial execution was intended not just to kill the convicted criminal but to deliberately inflict suffering as well. Love it! The expression on pain…
This week Inflatable dolls (pediophilia) arousal from fornicatory . dolls Hi slaves an interesting story one of my very old friends (not in age) we go back a long way I had not seen or heard from him for a while he called me and brought his doll an interesting…
Hi Slaves hows it hanging pardon the pun but I rather liked my blog this week I hope you slaves enjoy as I am sure there are some blood lusty among you!! Some people experience vicarious stimulation through watching others face death by execution. Once…
HI you raving slaving shower of excrement I am not happy today, need someone to be punished for anything I deem fit, the punishment will certainly fit the crime In 1671 England a phantom spanker named Whipping Tom was arrested for abducting women and…