A beginner’s guide to urophilia by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

A beginner’s guide to urophilia

Coprophilia a paraphilia in which people are sexually aroused by faeces. Another related paraphilia is urophilia in which people are sexually aroused by urine i.e. the sight or thought of either the act of urination or the urine itself. The condition is known by many different names. In non-scientific circles it is more popularly called ‘water sports’, ‘golden showers’ and most crudely piss play. This has also led to dedicated websites where pee lovers can meet up.

Press reports have reported a few celebrities engaging in the activity. some say that they liked the feeling of warm urine on their chest during sexual intercourse.

Urophiliacs typically derive sexual pleasure from urinating on and/or being urinated upon by another person. Some urophiliacs may also bathe in urine, enjoy smelling people in urine-soaked clothes, and/or engage in urophagia i.e., drinking the urine. For urophiliacs, the drinking of the urine typically takes place while someone else urinates directly into their mouth. Urophagia in and of itself is not necessarily a sexually arousing activity as there are many urine drinkers who don’t do it for sexual pleasure but for other reasons.

However, for urophiliacs, the act of urophagia may be sexually stimulating for them. They may also engage in the activity as part of other paraphilic activity such as sadism, masochism, voyeurism, and infantalism i.e., being sexually excited from dressing as an adult baby. Someurophiliacs may also experience sexual arousal from having a full bladder and/or feel sexually attracted to someone else who has a full bladder bladder desperation or wets themselves i.e. panty wetting or wetting the bed.

Is it necessary to drink your own urine No but do it anyway because its sterile and some people like the taste xx

Mistress Kristina - Yorkshire Mistress