All tied up by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

All tied up

Hi Slaves hope you are having fun wherever you are. We all have a different version of fun especially in our world of dominance some of it can be heavy going others mild I welcome them and take pleasure in punishing and dominating as you all know I am sooo good at my job and you are sooo good as doing what I tell you (sometimes)but if you defy me!!!!!

Stocking fetishists usually find sexual partners clothed in sheer nylon or silk stockings to be sexually stimulating, or find the act of a person donning or removing a pair of stockings arousing. Some men find it arousing to collect and wear stockings, sometimes hidden under a pair of trousers.

I had a gentlemen from America visit me and he brought me nylons Americans call them nylons we call them stockings as this was his thing he had an obsession with them. I used to tie his hands up and his feet he also liked one nylon around his penis which was rather big. He was rather partial to a stocking over his head as robbers sometimes do. The nylons were always black.

Nylon fuck

The act of a male putting the stocking of a woman on his hard cock and fucking the nylon with his hand..Usually ends up with ejaculating in the stocking. I stole her worn nylons and gave myself the award of the year..a nylon fuck..

_Mistress K Would like to tie tease and please especially on your knees _