April Fools Day by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

April Fools Day

The one day when it is ok to be a complete and total asshole, how many of you come across that asshole when it is not even April Fools Day.

The English word April comes from the Latin Aprilis, the name given to the month by the ancient Romans. No one knows for certain why the Romans named it as they did. Some Roman authors thought that Aprilis was related to the Latin verb aperire meaning "to open," because April "opened" the buds of leaves and flowers. That’s is not the only thing that opens only mine opens when requested!!! They are called legs but a bud opening up sounds better

What animal represents April? Aries (The Ram) - (21 March - 19 April) Taurus (The Bull) - (20 April - 20 May) that is interesting the Ram and the Bull cusp signs. If you're born on the cusp, you might find that you possess personality traits from your neighbouring sign. For instance, people born under Aries, but on the Aries-Taurus cusp, often make great leaders and passionate lovers (good to know) sounds like me.

Aries' Favourite Body Part: The Head (giving or receiving)

Fittingly symbolised by the ram, astrologers say Aries tend to get off on a gentle head massage, some light hair tugging or gentle caresses behind the ears.

Taurus' Favourite Body Part: The Neck (that’s different)

Symbolised by the bull, this earth sign is said to love a gentle neck caress. If a Taurus had written “My Neck, My Back (Lick It)” it would have gone, “My neck, my neck, lick my neck ― whoa, avoid my crack, just go back to my neck.”

Mark Twain once wrote: “This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four.” Twain’s referring to the first day of April or, as it’s often known, Aprils Fool Day While the first day of the fourth month of the year is sure to bring plenty shenanigans will you be the perpetrator or the victim, definitely the perpetrator!!

Kristina: Aries or Taurus I will have both I am like that variety the spice of life 💋