Bunny Rabbits or Hares by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Bunny Rabbits or Hares

Hi Easter Bunnies or Hares hope you enjoyed stuffing your face or any other orifice with chocolate, I can warn you it can be messy but oh sooo tasty.

Thank you for your Easter visits and my favourite bunny who visits me every year and dresses for the occasion, sometimes he actually looks cute in a weird sort of way, knowing he has stuck a ball of toilet paper slightly up his anus (oh arh Mrs) to have what looks like a bunnies tail. Enough about my eggcitment. I need to know about yours!!

Breeding like rabbits" is more than an expression- these guys really do get busy! A little bit of information regarding Rabbits (Easter Bunnies) they usually give birth to a big litter of babies (called kittens), so they became a symbol of new life. Legend has it that the Easter Bunny lays, decorates and hides eggs as they are also a symbol of new life.

Perhaps you’ve never stopped to think about what eggs and the Easter Bunny have to do with each other—after all, rabbits don’t even lay eggs. It’s a bit bizarre, isn’t it? Decorating eggs, passing them out as gifts, hunting for them, paying homage to a strange rabbit

To celebrate nature’s “rebirth,” the ancients would hold festivals in April to honor the Goddess, which most likely included lavish sex rituals, and even full-on orgies bring it on!!

Jesus’s rebirth took the place (symbolically) of nature’s rebirth during the spring season. The celebration of fertility and fecundity was replaced with the subtle, innocuous symbol of the “egg,” and the hare became the Easter Bunny because…well, rabbits reproduce quickly and in large numbers. (Ever heard the term “they f*ck like rabbits”?). Oh, and take a wild guess at Ēostre’s sacred animal symbol. (That’s right, it’s the hare.)

Mistress K You bring me Chocolate I eat it, you will be naughty, I will not be nice