Face Coverings by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Face Coverings

Hi Slaves and Maskers hope everything is ok in our world and you may come and see me for some pain, pleasure or both!!

The wearing of masks is also frequently connected to notions of kink and fetish. Gas masks, full latex face-coverings, vacuum masks, Hannibal Lecter-style facial restraints… it's all about the confining nature, to be encased in something inherently restricting that often deprives one use of their senses.

That's something a lot of us are dealing with right now as we try to get used to wearing face coverings when we dare to leave the house and do the things that used to be so mundane.

There's a wonderfully villainous quality to something like a rubber gas mask and the way it changes not only your appearance but your voice (we see you, Darth Vader fans, and we respect it). There's also an undeniably bizarre element to a mask. Our faces are what make us so unique and distinguish us from one another, so removing that detail entirely leaves your brain in quite the scramble. You could be anyone and do anything, damn the consequences or opinions. Even if you don't feel like being wrapped up in latex, it's not hard to see why masks are such a common fetish.

My client bought me a rather unusual one as in the photo I rather like it as I can poke the fork into you when you have not done my bidding as I want it done I will let you see it when you come for some punishments which I am sure you deserve some kind of punishment now that the holiday season has gone, a few spankings might warm your bottoms up as I am sure they will be cold in this weather. Lucky for you chaps are not in fashion for those who do not know what chaps are I will tell you when I see you!!

Mistress K Do it my way