Fetish Fact Fest by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Fetish Fact Fest

Trawling the internet in between disciplining my slaves I came up with some 'titbits' I THOUGHT i would share over a couple of posts, so here we go part one.. Oh the image is the hellfire caves haunt of the Marquis de Sade.

It was the French psychologist Alfred Binet (1857-1911) who coined the term "sexual fetishism". He meant it to describe individuals with sexual interests in non-human objects such as clothing.

The word "fetish" comes from the Portuguese feitico, meaning "charm" or "sorcery".

In the past three years, sales of erotica literature have increased by 25 per cent (according to Nielsen BookScan).

A pair of high heels may be the world's favourite fetish, according to the largest ever study of sexual kinks. Asked to name their favourite body parts, sexually speaking, 47 per cent of those asked named feet and toes; where objects related to the body were concerned, footwear polled 64 per cent. Other objects that people were turned on by included hearing aids and pacemakers.

Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron (1353) must be one of the most censored erotic books of all time. The Italian work features tales of lechery by monks and the seduction of nuns from convents and was banned in many countries after its publication. Five centuries later copies were still being seized and destroyed by the authorities in the USA and the UK and between 1954 and1958 eight orders for destruction of the book were made by English magistrates.