Figging with Ginger by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Figging with Ginger

Figging with Ginger what the hell you say

Peeled ginger root, shaped like a slender butt plug, inserted into the anus without lubrication of any kind. The ginger juices cause pain and extreme horniness It creates a burning sensation around the sphincter, and a cooling sensation at the same time.. The person belonging to said anus become twitchy, jumpy and very lively.

The effect lasts for about 20 minutes or more depending on the freshness and strength of the root. The root can also be applied directly to a clitoris or inserted into the urethra. Just be sure the sliver can be retrieved. Also, after peeling the ginger, wash your hands afterward because ginger juice in the eye just plain hurts like a mother fucker and is not fun or horny inducing in any way!

The word comes from the 18th century. Unscrupulous horse dealers would insert a peeled ginger root into the anus of a slow or half dead horse. The horse would become lively and hold its tail better. The spelling was feague, but over time became figging.

Figging There is generally a feeling of helplessness that subs enjoy and being unable to remove a very hot item from their bottom can be a thrillingly freeing experience. They give over responsibility of their body and mind to me and I can sweetly abuse that as I see fit. There is generally a feeling of helplessness that subs enjoy and being unable to remove a very hot item from their bottom can be a thrillingly freeing experience. They give over responsibility of their body and mind to me and I can sweetly abuse that as I see fit.

I went to my local dominatrix Mistress K while she was tying me up she asked if I liked ass-play. I said, "Of Course!" so she suggested that we try Figging. I said, Figging? She explained to me, and I was hooked.

Come on down you might like it if I say so you will.

Mistress K