Gobble Gobble by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Gobble Gobble

Hi slaves hope you are well and ready for some punishment just to remind you that you are mine in a way that nobody will understand. I say when, I say how got it!!!

Now that is out of the way I want to tell you about Birds (not human ones) the name is Avisodomy you may have heard about it, if not you are about to!! An ancient practice of having sex with a bird. As a man is about to orgasm he breaks the neck of the bird causing the birds sphincter to constrict and spasm, thus creating pleasurable sensations for the man.

The ancient Chinese used geese for this purpose and the Parisian Brothels provided Turkeys for this purpose. Chickens are used on farms by some young men today in the States for this purpose. A portion of the Stimuli for a few may be due to the feeling of power derived when killing the bird.

Mistress K. Come and sample my power I promise not to beak your neck