Holy Moly by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Holy Moly

Hi Slaves what can I do for you or should I say what can you do for me. This picture reminds of a slave who wanted me to always wear a full body stocking so he could rip holes in it then I was to punish him (and I did) he loved it and cost him a fortune in body stockings, he wanted to be naked while ripping then and only then I would give him permission to ejaculate on the ripped pile of clothing. I used to call him Jack the Ripper!!

Clothing fetishism or garment fetishism is a Sexual fetish that revolves around a fixation upon a particular article or type of clothing, a particular fashion or uniform, or a person dressed in such a style. The clinical definition of a sexual fetish would require that a person be fixated on a specific garment to the extent that it exists as a recurrent (or exclusive) stimulus for sexual gratification.

An individual with a clothing fetish may be aroused by the sight of a person wearing a particular garment, or by wearing the clothing themselves. The arousal may come from the look one achieves by wearing the clothes or the way it feels while it is being worn. In the latter case, arousal may originate from the way its fabric feels or from the way the garment feels and functions as a whole Others may also derive pleasure from collecting the fetishised garments.

Mistress K: Have a rip roaring good time with benefits. ENJOY