Horny Henry by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Horny Henry

In the same way as some humans are just naturally in-built to want to click a big red button that says 'DO NOT PRESS', some people also like to explore other things which will inevitably end in disaster.

This is the same with the Vacuum cleaner I have not used my vacuum on this but if you want to try it I may or may not oblige.

Toooootally normal. Everyone does that kind of thing, right? Er, no. Apparently it's a thing that no guy should do, because the suction doesn't just pull the penis. It pulls the balls as well. Have your hand on the 'off' switch just in case.

Dear lord, isn't this the kind of shit that can make people infertile? Poor cock'n'balls. At least this guys manhood survived in tact, just about. But one thing's for sure: we bet he will not go anywhere near a hoover for quite some time.

Last week there was a story of a guy who tried jerking off with a coconut which ended very badly... and now another bloke has come to the game with a yarn about his horrific experience with a vaccum cleaner.

Guys... it's not ok to put your dick in things. End of story. Let me take care of your dick.

Mistress K