LATEX FETISH WEAR AS FASHION by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress


The feeling of wearing any type pf latex clothing makes me extremely horny and guess its the smooth silky feeling and smell that arouses all the senses i

I love a latex catsuit, pants, corsets and other latex. clothing because I love how I look in it, but you won't catch me wearing any of it anyplace there isn't good air conditioning.

If I'm doing any naughty activities to or with, well anyone really, I don't like to wear any gloves. I get so stimulated from the feel and smell of my latex garments. I especially like to wear them during some BDSM sessions as it brings out my dominant side. My black latex cut-out bra allowing my nipples to be exposed is a real turn on for me and my clients.

I think for me it is the feel of it on my skin the tight smooth feeling it gives. When its on me I feel confident It's the feel, scent, and color..ahhh amber, red, and black just like the enema bags and folding syringes I have enjoyed...and still do! Its restrictive yet flexible. It's soft and smooth to the touch. It' s very erotic when lubricated with silicone. It hides all our body's imperfections . The feeling of the sweat dripping down between the skin and the latex through every little ripple and crevice.

It has to be the smell and the fact that it conducts body heat in a different way to PVC. The other big attraction is that it harks back to a time before PVC when you had real rubber pants over your nappy, My Mum still calls PVC baby pants "rubbers" to this day.

Latex was also used as a weight loss aid in the early 1900’s - the material makes you sweat and slimmers were a fan. The fetish community then embraced it due to its restrictive nature, as the feeling of being “confined and bound” was highly eroticized.. Common clothing items might include: tight leggings, corsets, mini-dress' etc... Whilst most commonly found in black, latex can come in any colour. This material is slightly stretchy (although it can tear easily), is photosensitive (so should be kept out of sunlight) and should be oiled before each use with special latex oil to give it that glossy shine.


Mistriss K