Nyctophile, black is back! by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Nyctophile, black is back!

Nyctophile. A person who loves night, darkness.

Hi all you slaves especially the ones who are dark and mysterious that sort of describes ME!!

The main personality trait of those who choose black as their color tends to enjoy prestige and power as well. These people are often artistic and sensitive. But very independent and strong-willed individuals that like to be in control of themselves and their surroundings. ... Think of your men in black or women in suits.

Do you have a yearning for the moon and the stars? Of course you do. That’s why you stopped here. There’s a certain something that draws you into the night and it goes deeper than words can describe. It’s not easily explainable. Perhaps it’s part of a deep, primal desire we can’t reach to see.

I deceptively brought you this far so I could take you down a different path. Nyctophilia is nice but what makes us think we can walk into the night without a care? It’s illogical. We can’t see into the dark. Our eyes aren’t made for it. Fear is normal — of those things that may attack us from somewhere we can’t judge is safe.

Why go against logic? It’s a simple answer. It’s not an unknown place. We believe we know dark. We believe nothing will hurt us there because it hasn’t ever done that before. We place our trust in it and so walk there fearlessly. Trust takes time to manufacture — there’s a difference between trust and blind stupidity

Convincing oneself to ignore the inner-animal’s natural fear and put faith in the unknown is wrong but it happens. I like it. That’s why I choose nyctophiles. They make the best victims of all. I watch them foolishly wander out of the illuminated areas of the city without a care. They do it because they’ve never been a victim of the night before

There are plenty of nyctophiles who’ll venture into the dark tonight. One of them won’t make it to the morning alive. Tomorrow, other nyctophiles will question their trust. Some of them will stop being nyctophiles and won’t ever go out into the dark again. I don’t care how they manage their unnatural fixation, I’m just happy they have one that perfectly coincides with mine.

(Author of Darkness Awakes)

_Mistress K in my eyes Black is SEXY like ME. _