Prostate Milking by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Prostate Milking

The ultimate prostate milking experience. If you are like most men, you would not think about putting anything near your anus.

BUT WAIT: You may be missing out on intense pleasure! In fact, the stimulation of male G spot might be EVEN BETTER than usual climax and can be done very easily

Self Prostate Milking for Health and Pleasure

Self prostate milking. What is it? How do you do it? What good is it? Is it dangerous? Why do it? There are actually 2 main reasons for milking the prostate. One is health. The other is pleasure. Done correctly, __self prostate milking__is normally a very safe and easy thing to do. Some men do it just for pleasure. But, for many men, there are many important health benefits as well.

Prostate Milking is a unique and exceptional sexual experience __for any man and you enjoy deep satisfaction. This is an __experience not to be missed. If you have never had the pleasure of prostate massage it is never too late to try. Experience entirely new sensations leading to a whole new level of pleasure Experience an orgasm you could only dream about. The prostate is the male G spot and can stimulate you in entirely new ways. Treat yourself to the pinnacle of male sexual satisfaction. Enjoy the full journey arousal to stimulation and then single or even multiple orgasms! Is the process of expelling stagnant, stale or toxic seminal fluids whether medical, or for sensual fulfilment from the prostate gland. Prostate Milking is a live lengthening, loving effort to lessen the chance of __prostate __cancer and as a loving means of extreme sensual pleasure.

When done correctly, self prostate milking can be both a very healthful and a very pleasurable experience! Ask your MISTRESS or your DOCTOR xx