Pussy Whipped by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Pussy Whipped

Hi Guys and Gals as a dominatrix this story intrigues me I can pussy whip better than most.

A pussy whipped guy is a spineless insecure butt kissing sissy man (brings to mind sissy maids) who has to agree with everything his girl says, and give in to every demand, even if he loses his guy friends he doesn’t care, because he is so insecure he fears disagreeing with her because this might upset her and he cant take the risk of being single because of his insecurities.this type of guy is simply a joke, the key to being in the pussy whipped hall of fame is simple things like, we watched football every Sunday at his house, but now his girlfriend goes there on Sunday so were not allowed over, but guess what he is doing, sitting there watching football, .thats the problem with these people, the big deal if his guy friends watch football while she’s there,I don’t get it, but no, if she’s coming over the fortress goes up and he may enter or leave.because he has to use all his focus seeing if he can stick his head all the way up her ass. For the girl it makes them feel more important and special because everything goes her way, to me being a pussy whipped stooge is not about sex, it’s about domination.

The pussy whipped male is the most insecure on the planet, and its the fear of not being in a relationship which makes this puss feel like he’s a loser with no life, so he has to protect the relationship at all cost, and this means putting the girl before everyone or anyone, it really does not have anything to do with sex. i like to call them bondage relationships, because he will go from one to the other with no real reason why he is dating the girl, he knows he has to find some kind of relationship, thats the key for him A dominatrix would suit him fine!!

Mistress K I am here for you I am ready to pussy whip. You will love it