Red (nails) for Danger by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Red (nails) for Danger

Hi Slaves Here's a shocker: Men have opinions!! when it comes to our nails but I. do what I want don’t I (you may answer)and you slaves do what I want. I believe that people do notice nails I feel more attractive when my nails are done and I like to run them over your body I am sure you would like that too, but mostly the nail fetish guys and there are many. They like a good old scratching and that is exactly what they will get!!

I believe that people do notice nails I feel more attractive when my nails are done and I like to run them over your body I am sure you would like that too, but mostly the nail fetish guys and there are many. They like a good old scratching and that is exactly what they will get!!

The Shape Pointy talons are too extreme for most dudes. "Soft curves look most natural…and men find that sexy REALLY?

Hot For Nothing's steamier than classic cherry red, (red Hot) say some men. Some sheer pink or plain-old clear. (Boring)

Size Really Matters (talking nails here) Nails grown past your fingertips are the ideal length. They look feminine but won't stop you from, say, unzipping him spanking him or whatever else punishment a slave desires.

I love Red but I like to experiment with colours this week I went for the red which is inherently exotic/erotic. What we can't easily have is always desirable, right? This could be why the colour is also frequently associated with royalty (you may bow or curtsy) and while sex is in many ways available to everyone. Which is perhaps why sex toys, which though expensive are risk-free when it comes to diseases, unwanted pregnancy, and emotional attachments, are most popular in Red. They are a healthy, if luxurious, avenue for self-discovery; yes, a £100 lavender ball gag is potentially financially prohibitive, but that kind of decadence can feel super-sexy, which is often just what we need in our lives.

Mistress K with the pulsating Red nails all the better to scratch you with