Sex Mountain by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Sex Mountain


A Sex Pilgrimage Exists and It’s Not Your Ideal Religious trip Indulging in sexual activity while on a pilgrimage is not what most people would consider ideal. However, a certain sect of people from Indonesia bed to… umm I mean, beg to differ.

This belief is only a part of the Javanese tradition in this particular region. Nowhere else in the world would you come across such a custom of promoting adultery. Nonetheless, this interesting story only adds to the charm of an already diverse and tasteful Indonesia! Tag your friends who are already packing their bags for this place!

Strong believers continue to carry the legacy and follow the ritual religiously under the trees, just like the old days. If they are to be believed, performing this act has helped some of them gain better income, while others claim to have observed a decline in their problems in life.

Compulsions In perversion, sexual rituals may emerge as a necessary part of sexual activity. For the sexual ritual involves repeatedly engaging in an act or series of acts in a certain manner because of a sexual need'. Within a relationship, 'the Compulsive libido type takes advantages of opportunities to use the specific sexual ritual that causes intense arousal, and in its stronger form, the Compulsive lover can only arouse using the sexual object or ritual. In any relationship however, 'a sexual habit that becomes routine or stylised...can lead to a sexual ritual', so that 'if you don't have a way to talk to your partner/Friend with benifits about your sexual relationship, you may find yourself...stuck in sexual rituals that could be limiting your sexual enjoyment': as a wife might say, '"Same old technique, same old Lewis. It's you all right, I'd know that old routine anywhere'. Thus one's sex life may all 'be about rituals: the ritual of sex in the morning, or the ritual of sex at night; and the ritual of sex at anniversaries, and the ritual of sex at Christmas'. Don’t forget birthdays don’t let this happen to you!!

**Mistress K: For a sexual ritual everyday her way **