Sexual Fetish inside of you by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Sexual Fetish inside of you

Even if you may not admit it, there’s a chance you have a sexual fetish inside you. You might even have more than one sexual desire spinning around in your brain, as you try to figure out whether or not it makes you weird to be turned on by things outside the norm.

Well, unless your fetish is bestiality or pedophile in nature, there’s a good chance your sexual fetish isn’t all that crazy. In fact, it might just be “normal,” relatively speaking.  There's nothing innately destructive about fetishism, If it predominates all sexual activity, it can become a problem as most partners have a broader repertoire than just spanking, say. But if it's incorporated into consensual and shared-idea sex, it's just another quirk of human sexuality.

See? Just a quirk; no harm, no foul.

According to new research, sexual fetishes might be a learned language. While some are steeped in childhood experiences, others may be how the brain is hardwired. But either way, it’s something that’s learned, like a language, and when you do, you need that fetish as part of your sexual scenario to experience arousal ― you’re not doing anything unhealthy or even remotely weird.

Mistress K I am not really a control freak BUT!!!