Sounding Rods I have my reasons by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Sounding Rods I have my reasons

Sex was once, to me, a superstition. It was something I heard about from schoolyard friends who’d never done it or from parents who claimed to be explaining it in a responsibly sober way. It was something I caught in stolen glimpses of nakedness in bad movies, and it was there in the nonsensical syrup of sitcom romances and in the soap-opera fatalism of every pop song I fell for.

Taken all together, these fragments left me with the uncanny understanding of how sex should be, before I ever thought I was capable of experiencing it. When I finally began having my own sexual experiences that adolescent mysticism lingered on, and left me feeling like I was missing something even while there was nothing specifically displeasing about any particular encounter. Hence my lust to dominate.

Urethral sounding rods are a relatively obscure and intimidating member of the sex toy family, usually a long, slender metal cylinder meant to slide into the urethra to create a pleasing dilation effect. Sizes range from 4 to 17 millimeters in circumference, though there is some variation. The rodscome in a variety of shapes some have a gentle S-shaped curve, while others have large cylindrical dumbbells on their tips. Some come with flat, rectangular ends, some have repeating spherical ridges, and the most intimidating have severe fishhook curves.

It’s hard to trace the exact origins of the rod , but the practice of urethral sounding has a varied history across many cultures. there is evidence that court physicians in ancient China used a tube inserted in their penis to sip liquid as a way of proving their ability and medical knowledge. In ancient Rome, catheters, tubes, and probes were used to explore the bladder and remove adhesions and calculi from various ducts and orifices. In the last century, however, the practice of sounding for pleasure seems to have become increasingly common, with examples of men having used everything from pens to knitting needles.

The tissue in the urethra is embryologically the same as the labia minora, and it’s filled with sensitive nerve endings all the way down. Just moving a smooth, well-lubricated object along these tissues can be pleasurable, but there are deeper wonders to be touched in sounding. The urethra is divided into four parts that connect the bladder to head of one’s penis, the last of which runs directly through the prostate, a sensitive organ that’s central to the ejaculatory spasms men experience during orgasm. Sudden dilation of the prostatic urethra can trigger ejaculation and the enlivening sensations that accompany it. Try it you will like it because I say so.

Mistriss K