Spanking by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress


Spanking has long been called the English vice perhaps thanks to all those bygone boarding school punishments featuring canes, slippers and rulers. Yes please sir!! Soho Sex shops sold magazines and fetish clubs existed but those who were that way inclined had to work hard to seek it out.

One of the most common practices of a Mistress is punishment and discipline. Her position of power is often demonstrated with sessions of obedience training. Appreciated by submissives and slaves as a good form of emotional release and a way to wipe a slate clean. It is often said to lift tension and reduce stress and blood pressure by releasing endorphins into the brain.

School Mistress threatens to turn up the severity of the punishment by bringing the male headmaster in to teach the boy a lesson he will never forget. A dominatrix is particularly interested in using corporal punishment as a disciplinarian and this form of play can be particularly arousing for some who have memories of certain punishment rituals from their childhood.

Acting out play in the form of punishment sometimes reveals the interplay of emotions from fear, excitement, humiliation, apprehension and pain. Particularly with spanking where the buttocks are being punished can bring additional pleasure from the exposure of usually very private parts. The very act of spanking the buttocks encourages increased blood flow in close proximity to the genitals. The lingering effects of this type of session will be felt and appreciated long after the event as marks (and possibly bruises) appear and fade. Spanking, particularly using a bare hand is often used as a warm up in preparation for other implements such as the cane or riding whip.

But as with all of these things - spanking, anal sex and sex full stop - everyone needs to be having fun or it’s a really, really a bad idea. The serious kinksters have definitely got it right when it comes to caution. Being over careful might not sound sexy, but even Christian Grey knows the importance of safe words.

Sensual spanking involves skin on skin contact while the Mistress stays in close proximity to her participant. Over The Knee spanking (OTK) is often a favourite position as it offers more intimacy and submission. All these activities involve an element of masochism. Frequently a masochist wants to be punished by a cold beautiful woman who enjoys delivering pain and punishment. In receiving punishment he can lose himself in objectification or he may take comfort and pleasure from the feeling that Her efforts in providing punishment shows Her passion and that Her participant means something to Her because she cares enough to take the time care and attention to issue him punishment. He does not just want the pain he wants invested exertion of pain upon him. People who show masochistic tendencies are often quite controlling; they know how they want the punishmentto be administered and can often supply a script. This does bring conflict between the dominant and submissive because it takes away the enjoyment from a dominant of being in control of session.