Spanking Heaven by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Spanking Heaven

Spanking is one of my favourite things to read about, both because I enjoy giving spankings, but even more, because how a person reacts to a spanking can tell us so much about them. The eyes may be the window to the soul, but for spankophiles, a spanking can be a window into equally powerful revelations.

Erotica authors can make spankings playful, painful, punishment, reward, ritual, initiation the possibilities are endless. They can be purely physical, or they can tap something deep inside, bringing out raw emotion, longing, desire, unlocking secrets that cannot be unearthed in any other way. There’s no one size fits all spanking. What’s sexy to one person may be abhorrent to another.

Some have very precise and specific ingredients that go into the perfect spanking for others, it’s on a case by case basis. You canot simply magically intuit what type of spanker or spankee someone will be without some clues to guide you.

If you stumbled across a spanking taking place, even if you watched closely, you might not know exactly which category it fell into is it being enjoyed or endured? Is the spankee getting turned on or simply waiting it out until they get to whatever happens next? Is the spanking a sexual act, or something else? Writers have the power to get inside the heads of those on the receiving or giving end of those firm hard smacks and let us find out what exactly makes this something characters crave (or cringe over)? When I am right there with a character who’s having the time of his or her life because of a spanking,

I am in heaven.