Sweaty and Smelly by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Sweaty and Smelly

Hi all, hands up if you have been smelly and sweaty in the hot weather well get out in that rain and wash it all away unless you have a fetish for these things, if so please feel free and visit me. Your welcome to sniff.

These days, when people talk about sweat fetishes, they’re less likely to attribute it to osphresiolagnia than to osmophilia or salophilia. Osmophilia is a smell-based sexual attraction to the odours of bodily fluids, notably urine, sweat, and menstruation. Some people credit this olfactory inclination to human pheromones which very well may be the case for some women who are attracted to sweaty men. In fact, fresh male sweat contains the hormone Androstenol, which hijacks the female brain to arouse her.

Unlike the host of ever more bizarre fetishes that seem to surface every day, the sexualization of sweat is nothing new. For example, Native American sweat lodges, intended for healing and purification, were eradicated by colonising Christians who found the idea of sweaty, naked people too dirty to bear. This historically taboo mindset is part of the reason that it’s such a common fetish today, but also why it’s often expressed in perverse ways. One woman even wrote an entire article calling out the male gym-goers who wait like vultures to occupy machines she’s used and sweat in before she has the time to wipe them down. When she asks a sexual counsellor about why they might do that, he opined:

Finding the perfect salty pair is as easy as filtering your search by scent. Workout, masturbation, and sex are the scents most likely to fulfil your sweaty desires. Otherwise, you can reach out to your favorite vendor and make a special request. If you’re interested in finding out if sweaty panties are for you or if you just want a closer look at the world of sweat fetishism, check out the internet there are companies selling from lightly sweaty to totally soaked, we’ve got panties and even jockstraps made to order. If this is your fetish let me know I have the wonderful whiffy panties waiting for you.

Mistress K Whipped or sniffed or both