Torture Heaven by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Torture Heaven

Hi my loyal followers hope you are all staying safe things can only get better. Hope you enjoy this blog. Lucky for you I do not have any stocks BUT I have alternatives!!!

In the study of the history of torture, some authorities rigidly divide the history of torture per se from the history of capital punishment, while noting that most forms of capital punishment are extremely painful. Torture grew into an ornate discipline, where calibrated violence served two functions: to investigate and produce confessions and to attack the body as a form of punishment. Entire populaces of towns would show up to witness an execution by torture in the public square. Those who had been "spared" torture were commonly locked barefooted into the stocks, where children took delight in rubbing feces into their hair and mouths. The good old days some might say


The ancient art or inflicting physical, mental, and/or emotional pain on somebody for information, as punishment, or just sheer sadistic pleasure. Torture is not limited to history; it's still around. Torture has been carried out in every way possible; you name it, it's been done:


A game where you try to come up with the most painful thing you would do to the other person. You trade turns, and whoever can't come back with a response loses.

  • Guy: Yeah, torture motherfucker...I'll tie you to a bedpost with your asscheeks spread out, put a hanger on a stove for half an hour, take it off and stick it in your ass slow like: tssssssssssssssSSSSSST!
  • Other Guy: I'll lay your nuts on a dresser, just your nuts, and bang them with a spikes bat!!
  • Guy: I'll pull your tongue out of your mouth and stab it with a rusty screwdriver!
  • Other Guy: I'll hang you by your dick off of a 12 story building!
  • Guy: I'll sew your asshole closed and keep feeding you... and feeding you... and feeding you... and feeding you...
  • Other Guy: win

Mistress K Thinking of buying a Lucifers Bondage chair for having a devil of a good time.