Torture some love it some do not by Kristina-J Huddersfield Mistress

Torture some love it some do not

You got it slaves this is my thing and I love it and I am sure you love it too. There are many different aspects of torture over time and many people enjoying watching it and taking part in it and some enjoy it which one are you ??

It is fascinating to read about torture because one realizes how much ordinary people were involved in it and enjoy watching it. Public punishment (that invariably involved terrible bodily torture until well into the 19th century in Western Europe and to this day in many other parts of the world) was probably originally conceived to deter people from committing crimes: “this is what will happen to you if you commit the same crime”. But its continuing popularity over the centuries seems to have been due more to its value as entertainment than to its value as deterrent. It must have already been obvious many centuries ago torture’s contribution to law and order (or to winning wars) was dubious at best.

However, very few people spoke against it until the Enlightenment. My guess is that it was such a popular form of entertainment that it would have been unpopular to outlaw it. People loved to watch public torture even knowing that they could be next on the gallows. Torture invented to deter crime survived for so many centuries because it became public entertainment.

My guess is that in prehistory it was absolutely normal that you would torture someone. Therefore there must have been an implicit theory (both ethical and utilitarian) that it’s ok, and in fact it is good, to torture people, but it sounds like nobody has done this study. All the books start with the fact that torture was widespread but nobody seems to have wondered “why was it widespread?” Who knows

Mistress K I have some kick arse tortures for you