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Blog posts written in 08-2019

Blog Archives for 08-2019

Foxy Lady

A beautiful and attractive lady (talking about me again). Foxy can also mean other things see below. Can you guess which one is me? A hottie A cute orange shy animal A smart sly person Not referring to a fox itself but is instead of a young and beautiful…

Thigh shaking orgasms

As mentioned earlier, most men crave a woman who is sexually assertive and challenges them mentally and psychically. There are a few interesting techniques that I can try on my clients (not every body’s cup of tea) to really make him crave my presence.…

Femme Fatale

The character is a woman who, while not necessarily attractive, has a certain allure (usually this striking, exotic, overtly sexy glamour), and is usually a heartless, man-eating seductress. this is not necessarily me but I do like to feel attractive…

The Magic Touch

The wow moment you experience when the magic happens. Magic not in the Magicians kind of way, but more like OMG did this just really happen?! WE ARE MATCHING Or simply, the crucial factor that makes you know, that this person and you are kinda soulmates!…