
Creation of dynamic property Low_yearly_archives::$version is deprecated

phar://user/addons/low_yearly_archives/low_yearly_archives.phar/FluxCapacitor/Base/Pi.php, line 23

Blog posts written in 04-2021

Blog Archives for 04-2021

The Easter Bunny Rules!

Hi  Guys and gals hope you are all ok and looking forward to Easter I love the Easter  Bunny and the pleasure he brings  (chocolate of course).  A made up bunny who is known for hiding Easter eggs and giving Easter baskets out to children…

My Recommended Reading List

​Hello sexy people I thought is was about time I put together my recommended reading list. These are books that I have read that have made a difference whether it be BDSM, Tantra, Shadow work, Consent or self development. Urban Tantra Sacred Sex for…

Happy Easter 2021

​I am not usually one for fluffy bunnies but it's Easter! Happy Easter everyone, things can only get better and I look forward to a seeing everyone soon. Kristina x