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Blog posts written in 01-2021

Blog Archives for 01-2021

Nymphomaniac or not?

Nympho, a freaky sex kitten with a very lucky boyfriend Mainly females; never satisfied even after the greatest shag Marathon ever, they are still gagging for it. Man: goodnight baby that was so good Nympho: excuse me? goodnight? wtf happened to round…

Something Fishy

Guys  Hope you are staying safe.  Winter Willie  Warmers on its cold.  When you are hot you are hot but when you are not I have ways to make you hot.   Ah, tights. Yes, yes, yes. They cover my bottom in a nice peachy way and mean…

Lucky First Footing

LUCKY FIRST FOOTING  Hi  everyone,  I would like to wish you a happy hopeful healthy New Year for all. I do not know if anyone has heard of First footing it is something you only do at New Years Eve I believe its a North East  thing.…

Timekeeping and Timewasters

​Hello Lovely visitors This blog is written for the minority, I know some of you regular visitors will struggle to understand the rudeness of people but spend a few days in my shoes and you would be shocked. So I am just putting this out there to avoid…

Chocolate Fever

Hi Guys hope you all had a great New Year and looking forward to some fun 2021 style. I want to thank you for my gifts of perfume, lingerie (which I will enjoy wearing). I actually received some very expensive chocolates which were delicious (still have…

What a sex worker can teach us about human connection

​Hello lovely people, I came across this a few years back which is an excellent talk by Nicole Emma in Tex X who talks about what a sex worker can teach us about human connection, Recently one of my lovely visitors brought it my attention and I thought…

Here’s to 2021

​Here’s to 2021 by Kristina J 6ft Blonde huddersfield Escort Well 202 is not a year I wil be glad to see the back of, usually at this time of year I start thinking about my upcoming plans for the new year, however this year is slightly different.…