
Creation of dynamic property Low_yearly_archives::$version is deprecated

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Blog posts written in 03-2021

Blog Archives for 03-2021

Satin sheets and Silk Pyjamas

Hi lovely Gentlemen and sometimes ladies I love Satin sheets but most clients never actually get into the bed just on top so they never get to see and feel my satin sheets, I am more than willing to show you them, to me they are so sexual just the feel…


Hi every one, studs or not hope you are well and safe.  I have had a few studs in my life the ones who like the chicks and are handsome and dashing (attractive and stylish because of being energetic, exciting, and confident: a dashing young man).…

Bizarre or Weird

Hi you non weirdos and weirdos they say it takes all sorts to make the world go round and Bizarre and Weird are part of the sorts.   Seriously, is there anything more bizarre than the word “bizarre”? The word actually comes from the Basque, who…

Titillating Tarts

Hi guys hope you are staying safe   Looking forward to seeing you all soon.  I am sure most of you like hot tarts the fruitier the better topped up with some cream Yum.  What is a female tart? In the 19th century, tart was British slang…

Re kindling connections

I am so much looking forward to my return on 29thMarch and re-kindling connections, fun and laughter which I am used to. I am sure like a lot of people out there the not connecting with people has been tough, friends, family, lovers and even strangers…