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Blog posts written in 03-2020

Blog Archives for 03-2020

Working Girls in Victorian Times

Greetings to all hope you are all safe and well. I am self isolating but still blogging. Looking forward to seeing you when it is all over Since undergarments aka “unmentionables” were not freely discussed in polite society there seems to be a bit…

An erotic Encounter

An Erotic Encounter by Kristina J - Huddersfield Escort Just imagine it’s time for us to finally get together, after weeks of waiting with no sexual contact and confined to our won houses we are finally given back our freedom. Just breathe in the word…

A range of skills

Can I be a professional Escort and a Professional Dominatrix in combination with each other? The answer is yes read on to find out how and why... Over the years it is not unusual for people to get confused that I offer top class sensuality and intimate…

A beginners guide to tantra

One of my readers asked me to write a beginners guide to tantra so here goes. Kristina J - Huddersfield Escort beginner s guide to Tantra The word tantra and Tantric Sex has been around for a long time, taking its roots I India and in my opinion based…

Mutual Trust and respect

Developing mutual trust and respect which means amazing meetings… Hello lovely readers… A few thought son trust and respect and recognition that is flows both ways…. In this industry I feel that Trust and Respect are key to a successful meeting…

Thank you for reading my blog

Hello loveies Just a quick note to say thank you for all the people who take the time to read my blog. During this corona virus outbreak I have been very surprised at the amount of people who have contacted me and said thank you for the blogs, So a massive…

Stay home be safe

Hi to all my loyal clients old (not age) and new. I ask you to stay home and be safe as I really look forward to seeing you ALL again in the not to distant future. Tough times never last but tough people do. All I can say is what a year this week has…

Framing your erotic journey

In this blog I want to talk about some skills to enhance your erotic journey at this time of self isolation its a great time to focus on yourself... Let's take while to look at ourselves and our own relationships with sexuality, take a moment to ponder…

Indulgent Pleasure

That place of hedonistic pleasure what is it for you?? What is it that really takes you that place of indulgent pleasure. As sexual arousal is an altered state of consciousness I wanted to outline that social place where time falls away and pleasure takes…

Keeping in touch

Words of kindness and support We have all been faced with very difficult challenges in the last few days as social distancing rile have come into force and moe people are self isolating including me. I am finding this challenging as I am used to a lot…


Quite often people will say to me I have a great touch, I smile as I know it is learnt touch and also a very conscious touch. When my hands caress over your body they are not just touching they are feeling your body and sensing the slightest nuances in…

Covid 19 update

An update on the currant situation and how it is effecting my offerings. We are all finding ourselves in a very uncertain world at the minute and things are changing from minute to minute with no real clarity on what is going on in the next days and weeks.…

A poem from a Client

I was given the beautiful gift of a poem fro one of my regulars which I have permission to share Enjoy xx Into your hands I give my body, mind an soul In your hands I plan my trust to do with as you will Trembling I stand before you feeling my fear ebb…

Self Pleasure

In this difficult time of self isolation I want to talk about self pleasure and make an invitation to my lovely valued regular visitors. With social distancing been brought in by the government it has had a disastrous effect on he sex industry and all…

Get the horn watch porn

What everyone watches at least once , whether they want to admit it or not Hypocrite: You’re such a Perv, watching porn! You’re disgusting! Goes home and watches a DVD entitled Big dicks in fat chicks. Personally, I like my pizza deliveryman to do…

Huddersfield Escort Returns Home

India what a disaster that turned out to be... Well hello from very unexpectedly the UK. I have had to cut my holiday to India short due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. What a disaster the last day turned into, there I was with my friend sitting in…

Yorkshire Escort speaks out

Now feels like a good time to resurface a blog form a few years ago…. Here is a blog I wrote a few years ago after spending many years the hands of a verbally abusive ex. I learnt a lot in this time about what I want and about growing into my self awareness.…


Yet another new twitter account So while I have been away on holiday in India have been working had creating another twitter account. I have been working away finding a way round twitter robots. It appears that once you have been suspended then its really…

Indian Adventures

An update from India Hello lovely people Thank you for taking time to read my blog and keep up with me. I am currently in India tucked away in the far south of Kerala. Its a little bit of a disappointment as just about everything is shut due to the outbreak…

Tantric Massage Yorkshire

Devouring the forbidden fruit…. What exactly is Tantric Massage and how does it differ to NURU massage I often get asked the question what is Tantric Massage as I offer Tantric Massage form my home in Huddersfield Yorkshire as part of my extended list…

Look me in the eyes

If there is one thing I love in the bedroom apart from the naughtiness it is eye contact. I find eye contact with my partner excites my passion and enables a connection that tis so much deeper than surface level. Let me look so deep into your eyes I can…

A tickle a day

Hi any ticklers (not the condoms) I do not like to be tickled too much but I like to tickle and I love a good laugh of any kind I hope you do too. So lets get tickling. There are two kinds of tickling. Knismesis is a light, gentle touch that makes your…

Still having bother with twitter….

So it would appear I am still having bother with twitter. Ah twitter really have fallen out with me with 3 accounts suspended in 3 months I am now having to think outside the box. I do have a plan it is just going to take a little bit of time to sort…

Hudderfield Escort

Loose in India iIt's crazy.... In the absence of twitter I just wanted to update everyone that I have arrived in the chaos if India safely. Had what can only be described as the most insane few days in Mumbai, it's a crazy. city that never sleeps. Crossing…

Holiday - I am away back In Huddersfield 30th March

How to contact me while I am away..... Sorry to miss you, I am off to India for 3 weeks to find myself an Ayurvedic Teacher, one day I will tell my story of India I have been many times before and always find it challenging yet loaded with so much that…

Get ready to get wet

Hi all you naughty but nice guys and girls. THE WEATHER I know we British talk about the weather but it is rather wet. Yesterday I decided to buy a trench coat or some kind of rain coat As I like to stand out in a crowd (and why not) and I do because…