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Blog posts written in 09-2014

Blog Archives for 09-2014

Good Girl Gone Bad…... Krisitna 6ft Tall Escort xxx

My route into Escorting Good Girl Gone Bad.. I often get asking what led me into Escorting so thought I would put fingers to keypad and write a little blog. I was living a very normal, and quite boring life, married, lovely house in the country with views…

Tall Escort - Kristina Yorkshire Escort

6ft Tall Escort I often get asked how tall I am in my highest heels and am I really just under 6ft in flats. My simple answer is don’t take my word for it read my reviews. I can tell you that I am indeed just under 6ft Tall and once in my heels I am…

Don’t judge an industry you know nothing about

The sexual needs and desires are recognized as been a basic need of human survival and failing to live out sexual desires and intimate can be frustrating and restrictive. I was pondering the thought of how many people are lucky enough to lead a fulfilled…

How soon in advance can I book?????

Advance planning and advance booking I have been reading a lot about girls taking advance bookings and if it is something as a working girl we like to do. I can only speak for myself but I like advance bookings and as I am doing this as a professional…

How I got into wearing Lingerie

Hello sexy My oh my it has been a while since I have blogged – naughty me!!! (wicked smile) I often get requests to wear lingerie and stockings and I love to wear classy lingerie and feel stockings on my long legs, in a word when dressed in stockings…