Burn Burn Burn by Kristina-J Huddersfield Escort

Burn Burn Burn

Hi ladies and Gentlemen welcome to September Sun  (still waiting for it) ever wondered why this hot weather brings out sexual feelings for men and some women is it the feeling of the warmth on your skin or is it you are a randy lot!!  Sex on the Beach can of course be a very popular drink but I am not talking about refreshments although a visit with me would be very refreshing are you thirsty? Try me for a really refreshing time.

Why is it when there is hot weather people rush out with out any protection, meaning sun tan lotion!! My friend one time really had bad sun burn no protection fell asleep in the sun do not let this happen to you!!!! 

What makes us more sexual in the hot weather Hot summer sun, less clothing, and more sex. While some argue that summer sex is the absolute worst, an Illicit Encounters study conducted earlier this year found that 62 percent of people say that sex during the summer months was actually their favourite. I'm pretty partial to it, myself. So, many people obviously love getting it on when the weather’s hot. But have you ever wondered why your sex drive increases during the summer? I like it All seasons.

You are most welcome any month of the year Winter can be sexual too trying to keep warm you don’t need an electric Blanket with me. I could slap you around.  With my water bottle that would warm you up!!!

Kristina J  always available for a Winter Warmer  Xx