Curves Count by Kristina-J Huddersfield Escort

Curves Count

Anthropologists have long known about the virtues of curves. Countless cross-cultural studies have shown that men prefer a low hip-to-waist ratio, no matter the body weight. In other words, small waists in relation to larger hips and breasts seem to be the ideal worldwide. Yes, 36-24-36 is a brick house in any language.

Now let’s talk breasts. There are all kinds of theories as to why human females developed large frontal mammary glands. Some say they grew as a kind of frontal derriere when we evolved from moving on all fours to walking upright. When our closest primate cousin, the chimpanzee, is ready to mate, she sports bright red lips on her back end. When we began walking on two feet, our upright hips closed the curtain on that show. Some scholars speculate that breasts grew to create a new show up front. Of course, that theory doesn’t explain why so many women in parts of the world didn’t grow breasts as large.

It is no secret that men prefer curvy and mature women. Seen in paintings by historic masters and pined for in modern song lyrics, feminine curves top most men’s wish lists. Whether we are talking bodacious boobs, bountiful booty or mouth-watering thighs, gentlemen prefer curvy women over fashionable waifs.

Now there’s some science to back up this craving. And, yes, I said craving. They say that curvy women hit men’s brains like a drug. Their study asked a group of men to look at photographs of women’s naked bodies before and after plastic surgery. None of the women lost weight. Instead their fat had been redistributed to other places. Some essentially gained weight to become more curvy after surgery. MRI scans of the observers’ brains when they looked at curvy women showed activity in the same reward centres activated by pleasurable drugs. The men were getting a kind of high (and a hard) from the experience.

As a mature Escort I do not believe all men like big breasts as even some prefer legs or looks as more important but there are an awful lot of men do prefer the larger curvy figure.

Kristina: So eat up ladies get some fat on those bones. xx