Escorts lingerie the essential tool by Kristina-J Huddersfield Escort

Escorts lingerie the essential tool

Lingerie is as essential of a tool to an escort escorts often choose their lingerie styles and colours to suit the wishes of their clients. Many times, an escort is asked to show up wearing an all-black ensemble, complete with suspenders and stockings. Other times, a client may request white cotton panties. Some clients just don’t care, as long as their escort looks sexy.

Escorts play roles for their clients. They realise that clients hire them to fulfil fantasies they aren’t finding in their real lives. Their lingerie may be extra sexy, their heels overly high and their libidos running hot as a way to turn on their clients. Despite the fact that she sometimes selects her undies based on client requests, other times she freely chooses what she wears to see clients. While a client may never completely uncover an escort’s true identity especially based on her panties or bras, he may be able to get glimpses of her real persona by observing the types of lingerie she wears when it’s up to her.

'Colours may also provide insight about a woman:'

Red: Escorts who sport red lingerie are usually energetic and comfortable with their sexuality. They embrace the drama in their lives and are extremely passionate. They are driven and compelled to go after what they want in life and relationships.

Black: Self-confidence can be automatically assumed by an escort who regularly wears black underwear. She knows what she wants and possesses a powerful personality. Sultriness is part of her allure, along with a strong sex drive.

Again, remember that an escort plays a role with her clients. She may choose her lingerie based on the image she portrays or according to client requests. But, odds are that if you see an escort often enough, you may begin to see a pattern in the types or colours she wears, which could provide insight to her real personality.

Good Lingerie is like frosting on the cake it adds a little something extra to what’s underneath. xxx

Kristina Yorkshire Escort xx