Kristina J Huddersfield Escort an update… by Kristina-J Huddersfield Escort

Kristina J Huddersfield Escort an update…

Hello Sexy followers, ladies, gentleman and fellow erotic adventurers.

It has been a while since I shared my ramblings with you and on a rainy afternoon I feel to do that.  

It has been an interesting 18 months and we have had things thrown at us that we were not expecting. Quite often I get asked how the whole lock down thing has been for me and in simple words it has been an experience. I have been very lucky and it has actually being ok but like everything in my life I like to look at the gifts it brought to me and the positive rather than the negative. 

The gifts are stepping more into the depths of shadow integration work and personal development work this has being something that I would not have had time to do in the past. It also made me more aware of my health and wanting to live a more healthy, balanced life.  It brought myself and family members closer together and I really enjoying that. It took me back to the walking something I really have had no time for in recent years, and for the first time in my life I realise I am really fit and healthy. 

I have questioned what it means to be fit and healthy and come to the conclusion that health should not be measured by body size, just because I, am not a super skinny size 8 does not mean I am not fit and more importantly not healthy.  I realise that the key to everything I do is health, healthy body and healthy mind as without our health we have nothing.  I recognise that non of us are getting any younger, if you have found a magic potion please do let me know.. Going forward I have learnt that I need to look after myself.   I have announced a change in working hours from January next year and I have had numerous conversations over the last few weeks with some lovely visitors so I just want to dispel some worries and concerns that have come up.

The main one is that I am suddenly going to retire or wind down to retire.  I can assure you that this is not going to happen and actually changing my hours and working to give me more time to rest is actually a plan to extend my capacity to work for longer.  Some of you may or may not be aware of how the work I do can burn you out.  When I work I work and give some long hours sacrificing everything else in my life to be available, now don’t get me wrong I love what I do but going forward it needs to be more sustainable to avoid burn out and exhaustion, as that is not good for me or you my visitor.  So hence the decision to take more time out to focus on my health and fitness and then when I am working I am on top from all the time, giving it my best.  I have a long term plan that extends the next 10 years plus so there is no need to worry unless something drastic happens and life throws me a curve ball I have no intention of retiring.  I can assure you that when the time eventually comes I will be giving you all plenty of notice…

Beside which I would really miss the fun it gives me a buzz and lets me play out all my sexual deviancies as well as facilitating you in yours.  I also love the idea that I create a really safe space where you can come to and step fully into your sexual desires without the fear of being judged or shamed.  It is such a priviledge to be trusted with that vulnerable part of yourself.  I think this is something that is really needed in the modern world full of its challenges and stresses, a place to escape and let go for a little a while.  It always amazes me how much better my visitors say they feel after a session together.

Just coming back to my new hours, there will be some fluidity going forward as I have currently got five courses paid for in Australia that I am waiting to complete and some training coming up in South Africa and America which I am waiting for training dates to be announced.  So as travel opens up and some of the courses I am waiting to attend open up then hopefully I will be able to pick this up.  I will though balance any additional time off and give back the time if any of the courses run on my on weeks.  I will know more about this in due course and I can assure you that I will let you know with enough notice when I am going to be off and when I am going to be available. 

I am actually off on my first course next week in Scotland learning to dive a little deeper into breath work. What has breathwork got to do with sex I hear you ask.   The simple answer everything… It’s like the key to the door of greater sexual pleasure and enhanced experiences.  However like any key you have to want to open the door and for them that do want to step into a new experience the gifts are pure gold. I often have people say things to me like, ‘I have never felt anything like that’, ‘How do you do that’, ‘What I that move all about?’ ‘That is the best two hours of my life’.  These are people who are trusting and engaging and willing to open up and give something new a try, which is exactly what floats my boat.  I understand that some people may say oh that’s not for me and shut it down before allowing themselves to experience the experience.  Or worse still my knowledge can be intimidating.  I just want to put across that my knowledge is not there to intimidate it is there to share and I am very happy to share my vast amount of knowledge and experience with anyone who is in a session with me.  If we shut anything down we are only ever going to be stuck in our old ways and lack the depth of the experience that sexual pleasure has to offer and quite often go around in the same old circles.

Does anyone resonate with the cycle of making the same mistakes time and time again?  Have you ever questioned that? Have you ever thought about your sexual experience and wanted to feel more, explore more, experience more but have been struck dead by the voices in your head that stop you, or fallen into the same repeat pattern of behaviour and never being full fulfilled? What are you missing? I could go on but I won’t….  How about giving yourself permission to feel the full range of your sexual expression and even expand on it to something that could be potentially quite remarkable?

Back to my learning I am also waiting for a month long tantric course to open up and have this on the list of something I would like to do as I am still comitted to expand my knowledge and experience around tantric massage.  As I recognise that I know a lot but to here is so much more I am yet to learn and I really do want to ensure the quality of our time together is second to none.  I received an email recently where someone described my attention given to the was like something they have never experienced before and quite remarkable.  I was very pleased with this as that is what I do, I am open and have done enough work on myself that I am very comfortable being intimate and in connection with another in the moment.  I recognise the value of taking my time and bringing a depth to our time together. I really am not turned on by the fuck and go experience I am more into the sexual exploration and playing out your desires and hidden fantasies to take you to a place of finding the gifts of gold and pure magic in your own sexual expression.

The other thing I want to do more of is more writing and more of the gritty blogs and some sensual blogs which I aim to do more of once I have more time off and the space in my mind for some creative writing.  If anyone has any juicy, interesting or sexual expansive topics they would like me to cover do drop me line.    As travel opens up I also look forward to the odd holiday every now and then and getting back to my other passion in life traveling and experiencing different cultures. 

Anyway enough of my ramblings, I think I have wittered on enough. I have dinner to eat a glass of wine to drink and my currant book to read. I have just finished king, warrior, magician and lover by Robert Moore which was about masculine archetypes and was really enlightening read. I am now onto Awareness by Anthony De Mello which was a recommendation by a recent lovely visitor, so thank you for the recommendation.

I very much look forward to spending some delicious, yummy and juicy time together and having lots of fun and laughter and for long may that continue.

Kristina J Huddersfield Escort… xx