Tantric Massage - Let the Journey Begin by Kristina-J Huddersfield Escort

Tantric Massage - Let the Journey Begin

I have taken the plunge and booked myself on a course to learn the art of Tantric Massage from the professionals..

Hi Guys

The more I have been learning and reading about Tantric the more boxes it is ticking for me. Been a spiritualist it sits very much with myself as a whole and I believe that taking formal Tantric training will have a lot to offer me personally and also professionally. There are so many ladies offering Tantric but what does it really mean? Well me being the sort of person I am wants to know and also wants to deliver the very best I can all of the time. So I look forward to finding out and developing my skills.

I have booked myself on a course which is run over 4 parts over 12 months and have to attend workshops and formal classes. There is indeed a lot to learn and I am more than willing to be taught. I am already very in touch with myself sexually and aware of my sexual energy but to take a personal journey to greater sexual fulfilment, I find a very exciting prospect.

There are no formal recognised qualifications in Tantra but when I finish the course I can consider myself qualified and get a completion certificate. I have not had a certificate in years!!! I will just need to keep practicing Tantra and developing my skills. Looking more into it there is a whole lifestyle out there that appeals to me and I will be exploring it.

My first workshop in in November in the South West of all places, I then have another 3 to complete next year the second one been in January then March and June.

So let the journey begin and I will very much look forward to incorporating what I have learnt into our meetings and sharing my knowledge and skills..

Kisses Kristina Yorkshire Escort xx