Time by Kristina-J Huddersfield Escort


Has anyone else noticed that time has gone a bit strange in lockdown

I am not sure if anyone else has noticed that the concept of time has one a bit strange. One hand time is standing still and on the other it is rushing by.

I have noticed that time is just merging into one as the hours, days, and weeks roll by but it is difficult to believe it has been 7 weeks in lockdown so far for me and while the first few days dragged now it is whizzing by. It is really weird like been stuck in a time warp with no where to go and times just comes and goes with no relevance. This is a new concept for me to adapt to as I am so used to having my whole day planned to time and my years filled with tours and training and always striving to the next goal.

Its almost like being in a day dream where the time is passing but nothing is happening it is the most weirdest feeling of standing still and stuck no way forward and no way backward, going slow yet whizzing by.

The one thing that cover 19 has brought me is space to think and recap on my learnings which has been a blessing. Following a conversation with Ruby Red recently I was saying how much I was looking forward of just ben able to go and sit in her Garden for a Gin and Tonic and she laughed and said I never do that as I don’t usually. have time and it takes a Pandemic for me to get time. She made me laugh with that one as it is true I am usually rushing somewhere, doing something or preparing for something. So time has taken on a whole new concept of existence and giving space for thinking and reflecting and processing so my mind is busy and to an extent my body is busy with lots of walks but I moving to a state of waiting for time to pass to get to point where the fun can recommence the very things we are not able to do right now. Has anyone else noticed how not being able to do something makes you desire it even more when you are prohibited for whatever reason the restriction takes you more keen to do the thing you are not supposed to do. There is almost an excitement in the thought of breaking the rules. Maybe that why I have been getting so many calls while we have been lock down who knows. I am just noticing the feelings without taking action on them and noticing my relationship with time.

Anyway enough ramblings form me about time not o some more thought provk=oking blogs next and maybe some naughty ones too..

Kisses Kristina J - Huddersfield Escort